OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAccording to Emerging Trends Europe, optimism has returned to Europe’s real estate industry. Sentiment among industry leaders about the prospects for their businesses is more positive than at any time since 2008, despite the uncertain macroeconomic outlook. Equity for investment in prime commercial real estate is expected to increase.

Europe’s real estate markets continue to be challenging, but all sectors offer new investment potential too. The past five years were about survival. But 2013 marks the beginning of the rehabilitation. For those who’ve made it through, it will be a year of refocusing, repositioning, and renovating. And it will be a year when the survivors benefit from the release of assets to market.

Business confidence, profitability, and real estate investment intentions are noticeably better for 2013.

Despite the downturn in the property markets, which we witnessed in the past few years, we believe there will always be demand for quality property development and management. West Incorporated Global has over 20 years of experience in this industry and we are always on the search for new opportunities and new real estate markets around the world.